Monday, September 21, 2009

10 Steps to Avoid Relationship Breakups and Get Your Love Back

There are ways to avoid relationship breakups. Of course, the first requirement is that you have to be committed to the relationship. If it is important to you, there are things you can do to avoid breaking up a serious relationship and get your love back.

Communication plays an intrinsic part in a mature relationship. Communicating in a positive manner is a skill which we must develop in order to have a good relationship. The ways we communicate can trigger a lot of different emotions in someone else, so we should always be careful to communicate with love and compassion towards someone we love.

Here are the steps to take to avoid breaking up:

1. Listen to your lover. If your lover decides he or she wants to end the relationship, there are reasons for this. Listen to these reasons. Take time to really listen to what they are saying, and make it important to you. Don’t get defensive.

2. Make sure that you understand the issue. Communicate with them that you do understand the issue and ask any questions that will help you better understand what is making them feel that they want to leave the relationship. Tell them what it is you understand, so they know you listened.

3. Understand how they feel. It is important to realize what the other person is going through, and respect their feelings. Don’t make them wrong because they feel a certain way. Everyone needs to have their feelings validated, whether they are right or wrong.

4. Take some time to absorb the situation. Think about how you feel about the situation that has come up. Express how you feel about the situation, your side of the story, without blaming or defending.

5. Make a decision that you want to stay in the relationship. Tell your lover you want to work things out. Let them know that the relationship is important to you and that you want to take steps to save the relationship.

6. Apologize if an apology is in order. If you did something that was wrong or selfish, you can recognize it and make amends. Resolve not to create this situation again in the future.

7. Think of ways of addressing the troubling issue. It might be a simple step that can be accomplished by a small change. Or it might be a little more complicated and you might require outside help.

8. Look for situations to improve the relationship. Keep the relationship a priority in your life in terms of time and giving. There are hundreds of little ways that you can find to make the other person feel loved.

9. Find fun ways to be with each other. Do things together that you can relax and just have a good time. Do something that the other person enjoys doing.

10. Resolve to work through your issues. Keep in mind the skills that you need to work through your issues, and use them at any time. Realize how important and rewarding a good relationship is. Know that you will get out of it whatever you put into it.

If you love the other person and practice using the above steps, you will most likely avoid breaking up, when an issue comes up between you. Love and tolerance, along with good communication skills, usually wins back the other person better than anything else.

Relationship breakups can be avoided. Don’t ever think that a situation is hopeless. There is no situation that cannot be repaired. Couples get back all the time, if they are willing to work through their problems.

Learn from someone who has helped thousands avoid relationship breakups. His recipe for getting the magic back in a relationship really works.

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