Friday, September 18, 2009

Can You Survive Relationship Troubles and Get Your Love Back?

If you are having relationship troubles, you are not alone. Most people go through periods of uncertainty and adjustments in every relationship. Relationships are not perfect, and it is important to know how to stay in a relationship, if you love each other.

When two people get in a relationship and fall in love, there is usually great attraction at the beginning. They find each other irresistible and want to spend all the time together. Everything seems to be colored by this attraction that you feel for each other, and the world seems a better place, because you have fallen in love.

However, after a while, this newness wears off, and sometimes things change. You might not feel as wanted as you once did, or you might think that your lover is not paying enough attention to you. Or you might feel that you are being taken for granted. Or a number of different things that can happen to cause you to feel that you have relationship troubles and that you may be drifting apart.

Relationship Troubles Take Different Shapes

Sometimes people turn moody and distant. It is very hard to take a person like this. It can even be abusive, when the person has no concern for how the other one feels when they shut off like that. This often feels like a great rejection to the other person.

Many people really have a fear of intimacy and they cannot stay close to someone in a relationship. So they need to distance themselves emotionally, causing the other person great pain. And sometimes they don’t even realize how they are hurting the other person.

There are other instances where after the initial period of bliss there is a lot of selfishness and other character defects that seem to come out of nowhere. If these are very glaring defects and the person is not willing to change, it can be almost unbearable to live with that person.

Why People Stay in Relationships

There are many situations that just simply cause pain in troubled relationships. Sometimes people stay in relationships because they want to recapture what they once had. They want to get their love back, and with some guidance and effort, they can. Relationships move through different stages, and sometimes outside help is needed to go through these stages.

Other times, people just fear leaving the relationship and being alone, and they stay in a dysfunctional relationship for years, even though they are in a lot of pain. Many people try to deny to themselves the pain they are in, or they could not stay there.

Finding a Solution to Your Relationship Troubles

If you are having relationship troubles, and you want to save your relationship, try communicating with your lover. They may not be aware of what you are going through. If you can talk to them in a calm way, expressing what you feel without trying to place blame, this would be the best thing to start.

However, many times this is not an option anymore to solve your relationship troubles. Or it might be extremely difficult to handle it on your own. You may need more help. And it is wise to get help if you are interested in saving your relationship.

In many instances, couples with relationship troubles are able to turn their relationships around with some help and go on to have a better relationship and a more mature relationship. There is no situation that cannot be fixed.

Get help from a man who has been able to help thousands of people with relationship troubles and get your love back. He has a recipe for getting back together which really works.

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